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    I would like to leave a comment about the question whether DRS groups, are a means to not just limit Oracle workloads to a subset of the servers in the Cluster. The answer is yes. The reasoning is to be found in the licensing rules (OLSA/OMA/ULAS) signed by the customer which are the one and only document licensing rules and obligations can be derived from. You will not find any remark that Oracle must be able to track the non usage of a processor or server in these documents. It is up to Oracle to develop SW which makes sure to do so, if they need it. It is sufficient that the customer makes sure on his own that the Oracle workloads are never running on another server in the cluster and declares that. In the documentation you will find that the to be licensed processors are the ones where the SW is “installed and/or running” (ore some times where the SW is “installed and running”). Since “installation on a processor never really happens” the rule comes down to the question whether the SW is running on a processor. That means licenses need to be purchased for all of these processors. (I leave out the question of hardpartitioning which is not needed here). There is nothing in the rules, that licensing is needed for every processor where there is a possibility to bring the workload to by any means. If that were true, Oracle could also state that all processors in a company, including all of your notebooks etc need to be licensed for the SW.

    Hope this helps


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