In the series “not-so-clear vCloud Director error messages” (see this post which is also about the Failed to Create message) I thought it would be a good idea to file a second variation on “Failed to Create” error when trying to deploy a new vApp.
The message is in the vCloud Director interface:
The log files show the following error (or similar):
2013-01-31 22:05:29,277 | ERROR | LocalTaskScheduler-Pool-5 | TaskServiceImpl | Unable to execute task VDC_RECOMPOSE_VAPP
The vCloud Director doesn’t show any additional message in the interface. A little investigation in the VMware communities lead me to this thread.
Since vCloud Director 5.1 the Storage Profiles feature is essential for vCD to work. If the Storage Profiles service is down (this is a seperate service on your vCenter server), vCD will report this to you immediately (and this will result also in the Failed to Create error, see this post).
Solution to Failed to Create error
In this case, the Storage Profiles service is running. What is the issue? Well, the Storage Profile isn’t enabled in vSphere. So, enable the storage profile on your vCenter Server and all your troubles will disappear:
That’s it!
<feature request>Clear error messages in vCD interface</feature request>
Felipe Carballo
Thank you! This information helped me a lot.
You’re welcome! Thx for the comment 🙂
Dennis Agterberg
Thanks Viktor. Ik was thuis een vCloud lab aan het opzetten toen ik hier tegenaan liep.
ekananda yudha
thank you viktorius..
very helpful.. 🙂