Recently Gartner published their Magic Quadrant for Server Virtualization 2014 edition.
The x86 server virtualization infrastructure market is defined by organizations that are looking for solutions to virtualize applications from their x86 server hardware or OSs, reducing underutilized server hardware and associated hardware costs, and increasing flexibility in delivering the server capacity that applications need. The x86 server virtualization infrastructure market includes all x86-based workloads (that is, application, Web and database servers; hosted virtual desktops [HVDs]; and file, print and security servers) deployed on standard x86-based physical servers.
Although a lot is happening in the virtualization space, VMware remains the leader. The diagram of 2014 doesn’t show that much a difference when compared to the 2013 MQ. We see Citrix’s virtualization solution moved to the nice player’s quadrant. A new player in the field is Huawaei, this vendor is added to the MQ.
For you conveneince I’ve included the Magic Quadrant for Server Virtualization 2011-2014 in this article. Full details on this year’s edition are available here. You can also read last year’s post on the MQ.