With VMworld US 2016 coming up in a couple of weeks, I thought it would be nice to publish a top 10 list of VMworld sessions dealing with cloud management. Cloud management is my personal focus, I am working with the products in the vRealize Suite for about 3 years now. I’ve been browsing this year’s VMworld Content Catalog and picked the following sessions for you (in random order):
- [MGT8714-SPO] Creating Automated Self-Service Data Protection with Rubrik and vRealize Automation – Erik Shanks and Chris Wahl. Rubrik provides a converged backup solution. The presenters will explain how you can expose the policy drive data protection through Powershell, vRealize Orchestrator and vRealize Automation.
- [MGT8807] What’s New in vRealize Code Stream – Vishal Jain and Kim Ranyard. This session will discuss vRealize Code Stream 2.1, VMware’s release automation framework for vRealize Automation.
- [MGT8770] Managing Microsoft Azure with the vRealize Suite – Guy Bowerman and Pradnesh Patil. Azure, Microsoft’s public cloud, is a great platform to run different kind of services. In this session we will have a closer look on how to integrate the vRealize Suite with Microsoft Azure.
- [MGT8332] How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the vRealize Automation API – Helen Michaud and Grant Orchard. This one is cool, the vRealize Automation REST API explained. You probably know Grant Orchard by his blog at grantorchard.com.
- [MGT9220] vRealize Automation and NSX Design Experts Panel – Cody De Arkland, Jad El-Zein, Grant Orchard and Francesco Vigo. Expert panels are always good for some great discussion. This expert panel is on the combination vRealize Automation and NSX. Hoping for some good content on how to deploy, manage and integrate NSX with vRealize Automation.
- [MGT7804] Container Management with vRealize Automation – Helen Michaud. Another hot topic: containers. In this session you will learn more about how vRA can integrate with containers. Currently available as a private beta, but maybe soon to be released for the general public?
- [MGT8499] Moving to Infrastructure as Code: How Fannie Mae Is Managing the SDDC with the vRCS Management Pack (aka Project Houdini) – Tom O’Rourke and Trent TeSelle. Project Houdini is about vRealize Codestream for IT DevOps. Attend this session if you want to learn more!
- [MGT9457] Understanding the Value of vRealize Network Insight – Sean O’Dell and Shane van Bentum. This one is on Arkin (recently acquired by VMware), and discusses how you run your virtual networks better with vRealize Operations and vRealize Network Management (f.k.a. Arkin).
- [NET7956] vRealize Automation and NSX Design Best Practices – Ray Budavari and Francesco Vigo. Another one on NSX and vRealize Automation: “This advanced technical session provides hands-on design details and experiences to get the best out of the vRealize Automation and NSX integration, including use cases, deployment considerations, supported network and security topologies, best practices and extensibility tips”. Sounds good I would say.
- [SDDC7876-QT] Service Automation Roadmap: Approach and Samples – Ahmed Al-Buheissi. This session is not so technical, but more about people and processes.This session will provide practical guidance on designing a roadmap for service automation, in terms of tools, people, and process, and explore example roadmaps developed for customers who have successfully implemented a private cloud and service automation.
And last but not least (although not a session on cloud management) there’s session EUC9992 – Ask the Experts: Practical Tips and Tricks to Help You Succeed in EUC. One of the experts in the panel is my co-worker Rob Beekmans of robbeekmans.net. If you’re into EUC, be sure to attend this session.
CU at VMworld 2016!