Today a short post on Microsoft’s DR solution Azure Site Recovery (ASR). ASR provides automation and replication options, and allows you to build a DR solution for both Microsoft and VMware based virtual environments. In a VMware ASR scenario InMage Scout is used, implementing a guest OS level replication agent. This replication agent is automatically installed when a virtual machine is added as replication source in the Azure portal.
During the initial configuration of a Linux virtual machine I encountered the following error:
Installation of the mobility service failed on the source machine with error code EP0870.
Microsoft recommends the following solution: Disable protection and retry the operation after ensuring that all prerequisites for push installation of the mobility service are complete. See for push installation guidance.
For Linux virtual machines the following prerequisites are applicable:
- Use a supported Linux guest OS distribution and version;
- /etc/hosts files on protected machines should contain entries that map the local host name to IP addresses associated with all network adapters;
- SSH and SFTP are both available on the protected virtual machine;
- Use a supported file system (for example EXT3, EXT4, ReiserFS, LVM3, additional file systems are supported);
For full details please look here.
Although all requirements were met, the guest OS agent could not be installed on the virtual machine. The /var/log/messages didn’t give any additional clues. Fortunately it’s possible to do a manual installation of the guest agent as well, during the installation an error popped up which provided the reason for the failure:
At least 2 GB of free space is required on the root (“/”) partition. After increasing the partition, installation continued as expected and the virtual machine was added as a replicated item in Azure Site Recovery.