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  1. 1


    my question was the same and I am looking for the answer of this question. I was confused about can we upgrade to vSphere 6.5 when we are using vSphere Enterprise license but now you have cleared my all doubts in this article .
    I want to grab this offer but I am not able to find the proper details of this offer so can you please provide me the additional information of this offer.

    1. 1.1


      Hi, if you want to continu to use your vSphere entreprise, you need to purchase your support only. Support give you the right to update your vSphere 5.5 or 6 to vSphere 6.5.

      If you want to had New hosts, you need to buy vSphere standard or entreprise + licences for the same Cluster.

      1. 1.1.1


        This is true, you need active SnS (support & subscription) to upgrade to vSphere 6.5. You can upgrade to 6.5 with an Enterprise license, VMware sees this is as a minor upgrade.

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        Note there’s still a promotion available to upgrade to Ent+ (50% discount), although this is not mandatory.

  2. 2


    Viktorious, I’m a bit confused as I cannot found any substantiating information in VMware portals stating one can use 6.5 with vSphere Enterprise licenses. One thing is the ability to download (remember that ESXi 6.5 is free, you can download it anyway), another thing is being legally allowed to use the vSphere Enteprise license in 6.5. Do your have confirmation directly from VMware personal that you can still use vSphere Enterprise with vSphere 6.5? This would be great!

    1. 2.1


      Hi, I don’t have any official statement from VMware. I recommend to contact your local VMware representative and ask for an official statement. I noticed that VMware removed the 6.5 download option from the my.vmware.com portal, I’ve added a screendump and some additional information to the article.

      If you have any official statement and you can share it here, it would be great.

  3. Pingback: vSphere 6.5 Link-O-Rama » Welcome to vSphere-land!

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