Some great things are happening in Belgium. Erik Schils, the VMUG Leader for Belgium has managed to organize a great one day VMUG conference.
This VMUG meeting will take place on June 1st at the location of Cisco in Diegem, Belgium.
Erik has managed the crême de la crême of the blogosphere to speak at this meeting! Gert van Gorp, Erik Zandboer, Duncan Epping, Alan Renouf & Luc Dekens, Alex Muestege & Erik Scholten, Sven Huisman, Gabrie van Zanten, Eric Sloof, Frank Denneman, Arnim van Lieshout and myself will all be presenting! Wow!
The full agenda for this event is available on the VMUG.BE website. The event is free, but you have register! Full=full, Erik can only allow about 150 people….so don’t wait and register now.
Important Note: Please do NOT register if you do not intend to come or PLEASE let VMUG.BE know on time for cancellations. Why? No-Shows are a waste of money and food. Please watch this movie :