In one of my previous articles I was talking about the ESXi syslog service that stopped working after an interrupted connection to the syslog server (also reported in this KB article). The workaround was to restart the syslog service on every ESXi server. I introduced a little PowerCLI script which restarts the syslog service on all the ESXi servers connected to your vCenter Server.
Recently I have learned that the issue with the suspending syslog service has been resolved :). William Lam over reports that ESXi Patch 03 contains a solution for this problem. The release notes contain the exact description:
Note that the suspended syslog deamon problems are only solved for UDP (and thus not yet for TCP and SSL).
Some additional reading:
- Detecting ESXi Remote Syslog Connection Error Using a vCenter Alarm – (
- ESXi 5 syslogger stopped working? ´Massive´ syslog deamon restart using PowerCLI (
- Centralized ESXi 5 syslog configuration through the vMA (