Update: Added the 2011 & 2012 edition of the Magic Quadrant on x86 Virtualization to the article.
Gartner just released an updated Magic Quadrant on x86 Server Virtualization:
Based on pre-defined evaluation criteria definitions Gartner evaluated 6 virtualization solutions/vendors: Citrx, Microsoft, Oracle, Parallels, Red Hat and VMware.
Roughly two-thirds of x86 server workloads are virtualized, the market is mature and competitive, and enterprises have viable choices. More than ever before, enterprises are evaluating the cost-benefits of switching technologies and considering deployment of multiple virtualization infrastructures.
As you can see, VMware remeans the leader in the Magic Quadrant for X86 virtualization. I’ve added the magic quadrant for X86 server virtualization 2012 and 2011 edition to make a comparison:
What we see is that Microsoft is slowly getting closer to VMware, while Citrix is doing a small step back in the Magic Quadrant. Full details on the different solutions in this article published by Gartner, certainly worth a read.