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    If your QNAP device is lost you can still recover your files from Glacier with tools that support the Glaciert API. One such tool is “FastGlacier” for Windows. This tool is able to list all your files and download all of them or just one of them.

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      Do you know if FastGlacier support de QNAP metadata database that’s also stored in Glacier? This database is required if you want to know what the stored objects on Glacier are. So my comment about Freeze in the article.

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        Is there a tool such as Freeze for Windows?

  2. 2


    Just curious if you’re using one of the backup options you mentioned here a while back. My CrashPlan account finally expired, so I’m looking for a QNAP -> cloud backup option. Considered both Glacier and S3 IA.

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      Hi, I’m using S3 IA, but I also manually transfer files from S3 to Glacier through the AWS console. For me S3 is Disaster Recovery option, I also make a copy of the data on a local harddisk. Restoring from S3 is manual action for me, I do this directly from S3 (not using the QNAP). I didn’t choose Glacier because the file structure is saved as metadata in a file created by QNAP (Glacier itself doesn’t know file structures). If you loose your QNAP system, you might have an issue restoring data from Glacier (although there’s some tooling that can deal with QNAP metadata files). I hope this helps.

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    Thanks for the awesome article. I have a question about the backup schedule, is that always a full backup to S3? Can you configure to do incremental backup? You mentioned that in S3, it creates the same file structure with your QNAP, does this means that you only have copy of backup in S3? If you have a daily scheduled backup to S3, can you still restore the 3 days ago backup? Or you will always get one current copy of the backup? Thanks in Advance. -Jofran


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