Today I presented at the Virtual NLVMUG UserCon 2020. The topic of my presentation was “Getting started with K8S on vSphere in 3..2..1” (Aan de slag met Kubernetes op vSphere in 3..2..1). Goal of this presentation was to get the audience up to speed in deploying & configuring vSphere with Tanzu. vSphere with Tanzu is the fastest way to get started with Kubernetes on vSphere.
To get things running you will need a vSphere environment, and depending on your requirements add NSX-T to that. However, since vSphere 7 update 1 it’s also possible to run Kubernetes on vSphere without NSX-T through using standard distributed virtual portgroups and HA proxy load balancer.
In this presentation I focus on a setup based on distributed portgroups and HA proxy, discussing the networking topologies and how to configure these in your environment. I also showed a couple of fun demo applications that you can run on Kubernetes, including kubedoom. Another tool you want to have a look at is VMware Octant, this will really help you understand what’s going on in your Kubernetes environment.
For those who are interested, my presentation is available for download: