Last year Peter van den Bosch and Sven Huisman came up with a great initiative: Let’s take a video camera to VMworld US and start interviewing people. Dutch VMUG TV was born and actually quite successful. You can see the results of Dutch VMUG TV on the Dutch VMUG website.
Together with Sven Huisman ( and Ruben Spruijt we have interviewed a.o. Luc Dekens, Alan Renouf, Richard Garsthagen, Steve Herrod and Vittorio Viarengo.
Since last years VMworld a lot has happened; I switched employer and moved from XTG to PQR. I also stepped down as a VMUG Leader for The Netherlands, and launched my blog at The Dutch VMUG and its Customer Council is considering the next step to take (some info on that is available on the VMUG homepage).
Anyhow, the fact remains that Peter, Sven, Ruben and myself want to continue Dutch vCommunity / VMUG TV. Actually, two new interviewers were added to the crew: Eric Sloof of NTPRO.NL and Edwin Weijdema of will join the team during VMworld San Francisco!
We’re looking forward to tape some great interviews. Are you a great interviewer and do you want to join the crew? Just drop an e-mail to Peter (pbo at pqr dot nl), Sven (@svenh) or viktor at viktorious dot nl.
Hope 2 CU at VMworld 2012!