The upcoming weeks we have some interesting events happening in The Netherlands. If you’re up to Cloud-Native Apps, Kubernetes, DevOps and Platform Engineering check out these interesting events:
- VMUGNL UserCon 2023 – March 7th
- Tanzu Developer Connect Day – April 4th
- Kubecon Europe in Amsterdam – April 18th-21st
More details below.
VMUGNL UserCon 2023
The Biggest VMware Usergroup (VMUG) UserCon in the world! You don’t want to miss this. It’s the Biggest VMware UserCon in the world and it is in den Bosch on March 7th. The agenda has been published and can be found here:
With keynotes from Joe Baguley, Spencer Pitts and Robert Doornbos and speakers like Frank Denneman, Duncan Epping, Niels Hagoort and Cormac Hogan, it almost feels like you are at VMware Explore.We also have an F1 theme, so watch out for a lot of activities around racing!
This year we have a special track focussing on App Modernization:
Check out the VMUGNL agenda and select App Modernization in the top right to get more details on these sessions. Make sure you attend our session “Stop met DevOps! Platform Engineering is de volgende (r)evolutie die je niet mag missen” (presented together with David Caron):
In deze sessie zullen David en Viktor u meer vertellen over de laatste trends in de wereld van modern applications. Orchestration, choreography, CI/CD, DevOps of is het toch platform engineering? Welke use-cases komen wij tegen als organisaties met modern apps e/o Kubernetes aan de slag gaan? Hoe kunnen developers het beste ondersteund worden, en wat betekent een Golden Path en Internal Developer Portal voor uw organisatie (en wat heeft Spotify hier eigenlijk mee te maken)?
Uiteraard zullen David en Viktor vertellen meer over hoe VMware op bovenstaande onderwerpen inhaakt met de oplossingen vanuit het Tanzu portfolio.
Deze sessie zal voor zowel mensen met een infra, platform als dev achtergrond iets te bieden hebben!
We have seven different rooms filled with technical content you do not want to miss out on. So please register today at: and secure your spot.
Tanzu Developer Connect Day
On April 4th there’s a Tanzu Developer Connect Day. This is a one day free workshop focussing on simplifying the life of Developers and SecOps teams. We will focus on the DevSecOps toolchain and will show you how Tanzu Application Platform provides a single platform to develop, test, verify, deploy and use your Kubernetes-based apps. Batteries included but swappable 👍.
The local Tanzu NL team wil run this workshop; expect some interactive labs where you will get some hands-on experience with TAP; don’t forget to bring your own laptop.
More information and registration available here.
Kubecon Europe in Amsterdam
Kubecon Europe is the CNCF’s flagship event and taking place in Amsterdam this year!
The Cloud Native Computing Foundation’s flagship conference gathers adopters and technologists from leading open source and cloud native communities in Amsterdam, The Netherlands from 18-21 April, 2023. Join our CNCF Graduated and Incubating Projects as the community gathers for four days to further the education and advancement of cloud native computing.
VMware Tanzu is a Platinum sponsor and welcoming you to have a chat at our booth. Let’s have a chat!
More information and registration on the Kubecon website.