What do you think…? Quit DevOps and move to platform engineering? Or is platform engineering maybe enabling DevOps at scale?
Join David Caron and me for a talk at the VMUGNL UserCon on March 7 in Den Bosch around this topic! At previous VMUGs we talked about the path to production and how to run a multi-cloud Kubernetes platform. In this new presentation we will have a look at how organization use Kubernetes, and although Kubernetes is very powerful…maybe it’s not really something your developers should operate. We will see how the market is moving from Infrastructure as a Service to Platform as a Service, containers, micro-services, Kubernetes and internal developer platforms. We will have a closer look at internal developer platforms and how this relates to platform engineering and we will also explain how Tanzu Application Platform fits in this story. In Dutch:
In deze sessie zullen David en Viktor u meer vertellen over de laatste trends in de wereld van modern applications. Orchestration, choreography, CI/CD, DevOps of is het toch platform engineering? Welke use-cases komen wij tegen als organisaties met modern apps e/o Kubernetes aan de slag gaan? Hoe kunnen developers het beste ondersteund worden, en wat betekent een Golden Path en Internal Developer Portal voor uw organisatie (en wat heeft Spotify hier eigenlijk mee te maken)?
Uiteraard zullen David en Viktor vertellen meer over hoe VMware op bovenstaande onderwerpen inhaakt met de oplossingen vanuit het Tanzu portfolio.
Deze sessie zal voor zowel mensen met een infra, platform als dev achtergrond iets te bieden hebben!
We hope to welcome you to our session, that is scheduled between 10:25-11:10. Full agenda details for the 2023 VMUGNL UserCon are available on the vmugnl.nl website.
Tickets for the event are available through Eventbrite.