Thank you all for a great NLVMUG UserCon 2016! Around 1000 attendees attended the biggest UserCon in the world. Good to see that many people that want to learn about- and discuss VMware technology.
With special guest Kit Colbert the NLVMUG board had a great speaker keynote speaker. With 5 different parallel tracks, 24 breakout sessions, 2 keynotes there was something for everyone! Kudos for the NLVMUG organization!
Breakout session: Options for disaster recovery in virtual infrastructures
This year I was running one of the break-out sessions, discussing disaster recovery options for virtual infrastructures. Replication technologies, Site Recover Manager, Zerto Virtual Replication and Disaster Recovery as a Service (DRaaS) offerings like vCloud Air DR and Azure Site Recovery were all discussed in my session. About 200 people attended and joined the conversation through an interactive polling system. Using a special app or lightweight webpage, attendees were able to answer several questions about DR, such as: What technology are you using for DR? What networking architecture are using? How often do you test your DR solution? Is DRaaS something you would consider as a DR solution?
You can now download my presentation which includes the results of the different polls here.
If you have attended my session and would like to have more information on DR and DRaaS, just send me a short message through LinkedIn.
Also don’t forget to visit the DR comparison at
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